Los Angeles Catholic Alumni Club P.O. Box 7612 Northridge CA 91327

2024 - LACAC's 75th Anniversary!
The Los Angeles Catholic Alumni Club Singles is a non-profit Catholic Singles organization of approximately 70 members of all ages enjoying each other's company in a wide variety of social , religious, sports, community service and cultural activities meeting others who share the same values and religious heritage. The club supports students' attending Guardian Angel Catholic School through donations from the Ed Webb fund.
The club has members throughout the Greater Los Angeles Area. Membership is open to single Catholic men and women who are free to marry in the Church. Our members are college graduates, professionals, registered nurses, entrepreneurs and others who have acquired the equivalent status in education or job related positions. Divorced Catholics without marriage annulments are welcome and receive LACAC's monthly newsletter and attend all of our events as non-member subscribers.
Carol Siem violinpianolover@yahoo.com 818-994-1543
Angelo Orlando af_orlando@yahoo.com 818-577-6719
Mark Arnesen 818-772-0727
Marie Acebo good_golly_miz_holly@hotmail.com 818-404-1137
Mary Foltyn
Maria Tan
Susan Barney
Bob Venverloh
Have you ever wondered who to contact for questions?
For courtesy newsletters: please contact Angelo or click here: Newsletter Request Link
Applications and memberships: please contact Carol

75 Anniversary Mass at St. John Eudes, Chatsworth, CA
1) Western Regional, San Diego CA
2) LACACers at January Appreciation
4) Singles Sunday - St. Charles Borromeo, North Hollywood, CA